The Definition And Applications Of The Monodisperse Nanoparticles

Monodisperse Nanoparticles
Monodisperse Nanoparticles | Image Resource :

Before going into the definition of Monodisperse nanoparticles you must first know what exactly Monodisperse means. Monodisperse is simply a collection of a particular type of nanoparticles that are same in shape, size and structure. There is a uniformity in the particles which is very useful for a lot of things that you see around. When they say nanoparticles that are Monodisperse they do not refer to one particular nanoparticle as this is a general term used for all the nanoparticles.

So now let’s go with the definition of these Monodisperse particles which is basically a polymer which is composed totally by nanoparticles of the same in shape, size and structure and same element for example gold nanoparticles, silver nanoparticles, titanium nanoparticles, or even platinum nanoparticles. The Monodisperse nanoparticles are somewhat a little different from the normal nanoparticles. So here below are the points of difference.

How are normal nanoparticles different from that of Monodisperse Nanoparticles?

When they say nanoparticles then they simply mean a collection of nanoparticles of different shapes, size and structures but then when they say Monodisperse Nanoparticles they mean same shape, size and structured nanoparticles of a particular element. There are a lot of benefits and applications of these nanoparticles depending on the quality of the material that is used to make out different things. So here are the benefits of these Monodisperse particles in detail

So here are the benefits of Nanoparticles Monodisperse

Nanotechnology is itself very helpful in a lot of fields and has so many different and unique applications such as.

1) Use of Nanoparticles Monodisperse in electrical equipments –

Conduction of electricity takes places very fast when there are particles of similar size, shape and structure. This enables the easy flow of current from one particle to another as the bonding here is so tight that there is no space left at all in between the particles so a matter of seconds happens within the blink of eyes which is even faster.

2) Widely used in manufacture of heating equipments –

These nanoparticles are extremely good conductors of heat due to their structural bonding. There is no loss of heat in this process at all as the size of the nanoparticles is uniform and the attraction between the particles is very high which makes the movement of heat possible.

3) Super attraction between the nanoparticles makes these Monodisperse particles stronger than diamond -

You must have heard of bullet proof glass and bomb proof metals they are actually the result of research with these similar sized and shaped nanoparticles. There is almost no space in between the particles that makes them super strong and unbreakable. The Nanoparticles Monodisperse is used in the manufacture of the windshield of aeroplanes and spacecraft’sas well. Then they are also used in constructional purposes as the strength that they do not break so they are mixed with the cement itself.

4) In medical fields –

A lot of Nanotubes and nanostructures have very good medical applications.


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